[Solved] Is there a way to bypass downloading 3rd party programs

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[Solved] Is there a way to bypass downloading 3rd party programs

Post by Norton »

Hi. brand new user and about to purchase UVK.

having watched the Britec videos, my question is this.

is it possible to download and have ready the 3party apps in a folder and have UVK install from there instead of pulling a fresh copy from the source on each PC I run it on.
I can have upto 12 PC's on the bench at any given time and downloading ADW, MBAM SAS etc and all updates on every machine would be a time consuming pain.
I would like to download the latest version of each and have UVK call on the local files (on my server or in a UVK folder) and only update as needed.
is this possible and how is it done?

Thanks in advancd
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Re: Is there a way to bypass downloading 3rd party programs

Post by Charger440 »

Good question. As you know doing that is possible but lets see what Fred says about doing it with UVK. I can see where that would be of benefit.

It is not "Can it be done?" but rather, "How can we do it?"
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Re: Is there a way to bypass downloading 3rd party programs

Post by Fred »

Hi Norton, welcome.

For now, it is only possible if you place the third party applications files in the %ThirdParty% folder, naming them exactly as they are downloaded by UVK. Currently, %ThirdParty% is always a sub-folder of UVK's install directory. I will soon ad an option to set %ThirdParty% to be the same as %InstallSourceDir%.

You see, it's not as simple as it may seem. If you launch UVK on each machine from a USB stick, you'd want to be able to remove the pen after launching the application, so you can use it in another machine. In this case, the current behavior is perfect.

Users launching UVK from a network location would prefer %ThirdParty% to be the same as %InstallSourceDir%, which I perfectly understand.

Since this has been mentioned several times, I will add that option ASAP.
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Re: Is there a way to bypass downloading 3rd party programs

Post by Fred »

Hi, guys. The new beta has a new option to set the path of the Third party folder, which is where the files are downloaded to. Techs having an NAS to launch applications from can set the third party folder to be the same as %InstallSourceDir%, and launch UVK from UVKPortable.exe, in the NAS.

You can export that setting to an INI file that will be automatically imported by UVK. More info here.

Using this feature will save you bandwidth and time because the files are only downloaded if they are not up to date, or don't exist.

This feature also has the advantage of keeping the files up to date, including the UVKPortable.exe package.
One thing we humans have in common is that we are all different. So, if you think you're weird because you're different from everyone else, then we are all weird.

Muhammad Tasneem
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Re: Is there a way to bypass downloading 3rd party programs

Post by Muhammad Tasneem »

Fred wrote:Hi, guys. The new beta has a new option to set the path of the Third party folder, which is where the files are downloaded to. Techs having an NAS to launch applications from can set the third party folder to be the same as %InstallSourceDir%, and launch UVK from UVKPortable.exe, in the NAS.

You can export that setting to an INI file that will be automatically imported by UVK. More info here.

Using this feature will save you bandwidth and time because the files are only downloaded if they are not up to date, or don't exist.

This feature also has the advantage of keeping the files up to date, including the UVKPortable.exe package.

Thanks a lot, this is most awaited feature.
There are lot of others still waiting your magic wand
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