Sorry for the SPAM

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Sorry for the SPAM

Post by Fred »

Hi everyone. Those who follow this forum probably got some notifications lately about some spammy posts. When you clicked the notification links those posts might have been already deleted, or not.

Actually it was some spammer in Ukraine. Not sure it was a bot but if it was, it managed to bypass Google's recaptcha and even my Q&A method. I had to block an IP range that affected a big area in Ukraine through .htaccess. So this may affect many genuine Ukrainian users bu I could not find any other effective solution.

Sorry for any inconvenience. We (I and Bill) try to keep the forum as clean as possible but sometimes it's hard.
One thing we humans have in common is that we are all different. So, if you think you're weird because you're different from everyone else, then we are all weird.

Muhammad Tasneem
Posts: 115
Joined: Thu Sep 17, 2015 10:48 am

Re: Sorry for the SPAM

Post by Muhammad Tasneem »

When I moderate some warez forum, I used to bypass this kind of security.

You can find the many scripts to bypass recaptcha specially for Firefox and Chrome.

One of a good practice to avoid this type of stuff (other than IP block) is Trusted User.

Only trusted users can post directly, non trusted user's posts waiting for admin/moderator approval.

Trusted users craitera define in many ways, like:
  • Choose manually.
    Number of posts.
    How long user's registration.
    Depend on user's license/purchase type.
Site Admin
Posts: 2369
Joined: Sat Jul 30, 2011 12:05 pm
Location: Red coast, France

Re: Sorry for the SPAM

Post by Fred »

Thanks, Muhammad. Is the forum you moderate PhpBB?
One thing we humans have in common is that we are all different. So, if you think you're weird because you're different from everyone else, then we are all weird.

Muhammad Tasneem
Posts: 115
Joined: Thu Sep 17, 2015 10:48 am

Re: Sorry for the SPAM

Post by Muhammad Tasneem »

it was old but I don't remember the name. before I left the warez (I was too old to meet the speed) they upgraded to xenforo.
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Re: Sorry for the SPAM

Post by wmmiller »

Spammers. They are like flies. They just want to get in. ;)
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