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reggaemanu wrote:Sorry Fred but about the welcome screen I also prefer the way it is actually, I don't like the stretched ui with wasted space. But well that's not really a problem I'll just keep it the min size and won't maximize it, that's all.
Fred, for this one, you can just default it to the normal size and you don't have to change a thing. As long as Reggie does not resize his main screen, the ability to resize will have no effect on him while leaving that ability for people that may want to do it and most importantly not wasting your hard work!
It is not "Can it be done?" but rather, "How can we do it?"
reggaemanu wrote:Sorry Fred but about the welcome screen I also prefer the way it is actually, I don't like the stretched ui with wasted space. But well that's not really a problem I'll just keep it the min size and won't maximize it, that's all.
Fred, for this one, you can just default it to the normal size and you don't have to change a thing. As long as Reggie does not resize his main screen, the ability to resize will have no effect on him while leaving that ability for people that may want to do it and most importantly not wasting your hard work!
Sure, that's what I wanted to say. I personally prefer the welcome screen like it is actually but I just have to keep it min size so don't waste time for that Fred. I was just sharing my thought as you asked how everyone's feels about it.
Jim, I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I'm just sad that this wasn't suggested earlier, that's all.
No big deal. I'm working on the changes and am already half way through.
One thing we humans have in common is that we are all different. So, if you think you're weird because you're different from everyone else, then we are all weird.