I thought that was an interesting idea, but couldn't find anything in the registry or in the web that could help me to find out how windows performs the schedule.
So I came up with a script that does the job. Actually two scripts. One just performs the schedule, the other one also reboots immediately.
mdsched.uvk : Schedule the Memory Diagnostic scan for the next boot:
Code: Select all
->WaitControl([CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:2],5)
->ClickControl([CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:2])
->WaitControl([CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1],2)
->ClickControl([CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1])
Code: Select all
->WaitControl([CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1],5)
->ClickControl([CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1])
->WaitControl([CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1],2)
->ClickControl([CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1])
Hope you guys find the scripts useful.