Rename Default Report Title

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Rename Default Report Title

Post by TheLaptopFixers »

Hi there,

Is there an option to changed the default Report Title. It seems to default to my old company name. The report path uses the new company name ok.

uvk report title.png
uvk report title.png (98.03 KiB) Viewed 12091 times
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Re: Rename Default Report Title

Post by Fred »


The default report title comes from UVKSettings.ini. In order to change it, you need to update the ini file from which it is retrieved from. The INI file may be remote (cloud synced), or local, in the same place as the UVK package used to install the application.
  1. Launch UVK and go to the System Repair module.
  2. Tick the Create professional report checkbox to bring up the Professional report settings dialog box.
  3. Edit the report title, making it the desired default and press OK,
  4. Press the Home button, and then go to the Options module.
If you use cloudSync, press the CloudSync button and then press the first Upload Now button from the top.
Otherwise press the Save to file button, and save to the location where you have your UVK package.

Let me know whether that worked.
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Re: Rename Default Report Title

Post by TheLaptopFixers »

perfect reply thanks.. all working. Much appreciated.
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Re: Rename Default Report Title

Post by Fred »

You're welcome. Glad I could help.
One thing we humans have in common is that we are all different. So, if you think you're weird because you're different from everyone else, then we are all weird.

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